Movie Recommendations

What follows is a list of films that Nick had watched and enjoyed, exclusive to circa 2008

[...] We asked him to make a quick list, and he has given us just that, and a quick blurb. For those interested, add these to your Netflix queue, or order them online. However the method, these films are some that you may find enjoyable, as Nick has before you. In no particular order...

Overnight (2003)

I’ve been watching lots of documentaries and found this and it’s amazing. I couldn’t believe what a massive tool this guy was. Hilarious.

The Squid and the Whale (2005)

Jonah Hill told me about this. Great Jeff Daniels. Great Beard, Lovely performance. Laura Linney is lush as well. Maine coon cat.

Bottle Rocket (1996)

I love Wes Anderson. Owen Wilson’s lovely in this. Very Funny and a big favourite in the Frost house. “Little Girl from Paraguay.” I love watching Applejack do his shit.

Rambo (2008)

Newest and best. Edgar and me saw this on opening night at the arclight in LA. It. Was. Amazing! The crowd when nuts. I love it.

Metallica: Some Kind of Monster (2004)

The rawest rock film ever made… KERRANG! It’s so good. Obvious thing to say but it is like a real spinal tap. I think it has a great feel good ending too. Lars Ulrich delivers a tour de force performance however Kirk Hammett steals the Show offering up his ‘gentle Kirk.’

Cocoon (1985)

Chris and me watched this a couple of weeks ago and we’d forgotten how good it was and really enjoyed it. I love the whole eggs in a pool vibe. Even Steve Guttenberg was good. Ron Howard Helms.

Training Day (2001)

I love Denzel and this film is banging. Nuff said.

Crocodile Dundee (1986)

Again Chris and me found this in the archive a few Sundays ago. We did a great double bill and really loved it. Great photography. Some great lines, “No lady you got lens cap on.” Is a real favourite with the Pegg and me. They’re also 20 years old these films. A real window into what the 80’s were like. Featuring Donk.

Best in Show (2000)

Another favourite with the PeggFrosts. I love everything about this film; it might be one of my desert island films. There are too many highlights to name just one. Sorry. Jennifer Coolidge is so funny. Hooray for Christopher Guest!

Pearl Harbor (2001)

GUILTY PLEASURE I am so sorry. I don’t know what came over me. I watched it on my own one afternoon. (The beauty of being self employed.) I loved it, maybe I was just a bit blue but I eated it up. I couldn’t tell you if it was a good film but Tom Sizemore thinks it is, giving it 110% throughout. Five torpedoes up!!!!!